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Lula Won't Attend Inauguration of New Argentine President Milei

Celso Amorim, Brazilian President Lula da Silva’s chief foreign policy adviser, reported that Lula will not be attending the inauguration of Argentina’s new President Javier Milei on Dec. 10, according to the Argentine daily La Nación, quoting Brazil’s O Globo. “From what I’ve heard from President Lula, he won’t go to the [inaugural] because he feels personally offended” by Milei’s statements, Amorim said. “But the Brazilian state will be represented,” he affirmed.

Brazil’s disastrous former President Jair Bolsonaro, pals with the dirty Anglo-American asset Steve Bannon, has been invited to the inauguration and plans to attend. He was ecstatic that Milei won the election. When Lula was elected in 2022, Bolsonaro refused to accept his victory, and claims to this day that Lula “stole the election.”

Throughout his campaign, Milei repeatedly insulted Lula, calling him a “corrupt communist,” among other things. In an interview with Peruvian journalist James Bayly shortly before the Nov. 19 election, Milei was asked whether he would meet with Lula face to face, if elected, to which he replied, “No, he’s a communist and corrupt. That’s why he went to jail.” Recall that Lula was jailed due to a frame-up orchestrated by corrupt Judge Sergio Moro in collusion with the U.S. Department of Justice. On other occasions, Milei referred to Lula as a “thief.” Brazil’s Communications Minister Paulo Pimienta added that were he in Lula’s shoes, “I wouldn’t call Milei until he apologized. He offended Lula gratuitously.”

After Milei’s election victory was announced, Lula posted a generic congratulatory message on his X account, congratulating “the Argentine people”—he didn’t mention Milei—and wishing “good luck and success to the new government. Argentina is a great country and deserves all our respect,” he wrote, and assuring that Brazil will always be ready “to work with our Argentine brothers.”