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Moscow Calls Out Biden Administration Fakery on Gaza/Israel Conflict

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service issued a statement yesterday charging that the Biden administration is using back channels to persuade Israel to speed up the operation in the Gaza Strip so that it does not affect President Joe Biden’s approval ratings ahead of the elections. The agency said Washington publicly states its alleged concern about the indiscriminate bombardment of hospitals and refugee camps in the Gaza Strip. At the same time, “numerous visitors from the U.S. State Department and Defense Department declare a desire for immediate peace,” the agency said, reported TASS. “The truth, however, is that behind closed doors with the Israeli leadership, the Americans are having very different conversations. The Israelis are being urged to speed up the operation in order to prevent it from dragging out, as that would have a negative impact on [U.S. President] Joe Biden’s electoral positions,” the agency said.

The intelligence service said the U.S. administration “has once again resorted to its favorite tool: pharisaism, this time against the backdrop of the ongoing tragedy in the Gaza Strip.”

The agency also said the U.S. is “aware that the accomplishment of the goal of destroying Hamas may lead to the killing of ‘a significant number’ of civilians.”

“However, as the White House believes, this is quite acceptable and will not entail depriving Tel Aviv of Washington’s support. The main thing is to end military operations as quickly as possible,” the intelligence service said.

Additionally, the Foreign Intelligence Service said the U.S., having secured the support of the U.K. and Germany, “intends to obstruct initiatives that provide for a ceasefire in Gaza.” It added: “Obviously, this is the U.S. rules-based order that Washington offers to the rest of the world.”

Separately, the Russian Foreign Ministry charged on Nov. 13 that: “The U.S. is categorically seeking to impose on the delegations to the UN Security Council such a resolution that would allow Israel to continue its military mopping up operation in the Gaza Strip raid with the use of force in the West Bank and arbitrary attacks on Lebanon and Syria. For a show, it suggests including calls for what they call pauses, which are not backed by any appropriate mechanisms, and, hence, they will not result in the cessation of hostilities,” the Ministry said, also reported by TASS. “This is where the United States’ humanitarian gestures end, giving way to aggressive positions on fighting terrorism (like it was in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria) and the right to self-defense.”

As a result, the Ministry said, despite the unanimous UN calls for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” that would put an end to this inhumane collective punishment, sufferings of children, women and the elderly, the U.S.’s actions stand in the way of implementing these calls. “The UN Security Council, as a main body tasked to maintain international peace and security, is called to pass a relevant resolution. But the Security Council has been failing to deliver on its direct mandate and is still paralyzed due to the position of just one country—the United States,” it stressed.