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Nov. 24 EIR: ‘a Chance to Escape the Curse of Geopolitics?’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 46 goes to subscribers Thursday, Nov. 23. On the cover is a photo of Biden and Xi at the APEC summit in San Francisco.

In the Editorial position, is the Invitation to the International Peace Coalition’s Nov. 26 Emergency Forum: “No More War Crimes! Economic Development, Not Depopulation!”

Section I, International, has three pieces:

• “Global Majority Mobilizes for Gaza Ceasefire, World Peace” by Gretchen Small

• An edited transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Live Dialogue from Nov. 15, titled “World Citizens Unite Against the City of London and Wall Street!”

• Under the kicker, “Anti-Drug Expert in Kabul,” Marcia Merry Baker provides an in introduction to and excerpts from Pino Arlacchi’s ad hoc presentation to the Nov. 6-8 conference, “Operation Ibn Sina: Toward an Economic Miracle in Afghanistan, (titled “World Support Can Make Permanent Afghanistan’s Success in Eliminating Opium Production"), plus an EIR-edited full text of Professor Arlacchi’s advance-prepared (but not delivered) remarks, (titled “Some Ideas About Elimination of Opium Poppy Production in Afghanistan"). Arlacchi is a former Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, former Member of the European Parliament from Italy, and is currently a full Professor of Sociology at the University of Sassari.

Section II, Economics, has four pieces:

• “Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Peru’s National Congress of Economists”

• Under the kicker, “High-Level Dialogue in Belarus,” Richard A. Black, the Schiller Institute’s representative to the UN in New York, provides a first-hand report, “LaRouche’s Ideas Presented at a Conference on Eurasian Security and Economic Integration,” on the conference, “Eurasian Security: Reality and Prospects in a Transforming World,” convened by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Minsk, Belarus, Oct. 26-27.

• Following is Richard A. Black’s in-person presentation,"The Schiller Institute and the Eurasian Land-Bridge,” to that Minsk conference.

• From the European Strategic Alert Service, EIR reprints “Reality Weighs In Against the EU’s Green Deal.”

Closing the issue, in Section III, History and Culture, is “How Their Noëtic Principle Ended Slavery: The Shaw Memorial of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry,” by Steven Carr. This was the first monument (in 1897 by sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens) to celebrate the defeat of slavery, and the first American work of art to depict African-Americans as heroes.