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Oops! Stoltenberg Admits Ukraine Is Losing the War Despite NATO Military Support

NATO’s Foreign Ministers are meeting in Brussels over Nov. 28-29, and, as usual, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had a pre-ministerial press conference ahead of the meeting. After making unfounded claims about the Kiev regime’s big victories in the war against Russia, Stoltenberg ended up admitting that NATO’s military support has not led to any big changes along the front lines in southern and eastern Ukraine. “[W]hat you have seen is that, even with this substantial significant military support from NATO Allies, [Ukraine has] not, over the last year, been able to move the front line,” he said, reports the NATO transcript. “And that just reflects the fact that we should never underestimate Russia. Their defense industry is on a war footing. They’re able to resupply their forces with ammunition and new capabilities. They have got a significant amount of ammunition from North Korea, and there is a willingness to sacrifice people in this operation, which also makes it hard for Ukrainians to achieve the territorial gains we all hope for. But, rest assured, I’m absolutely certain that the message from NATO Allies at this meeting, but also when we gather later on at the Washington Summit, is that we need to stand by Ukraine. It is our security interest that President Putin does not win this war,” he declared.

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