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Russian Forum Takes Up Glazyev ‘Social Justice and Economic Growth’ Program

The theme of the Nov. 9-11 Russian Economic Forum in Chelyabinsk, “Social Justice and Economic Growth: Russia’s Rapid Development Program,” drew significant Russian federal and regional representation yesterday at its plenary session. The head of Tsargrad TV, Konstantin Malofeev, had stated that the key report by Sergei Glazyev, at “Social Justice and Economic Growth,” “voiced the main provisions of the program,” which he hoped “that very soon … will become part of the official state development strategy.”

Glazyev, the Commissioner for Integration and Macroeconomics within the Eurasian Economic Commission (the executive body of the Eurasian Economic Union), has argued strenuously for the dirigist approach proven so successful in China’s pulling 800 million of their population out of extreme poverty. His presentation was not available at the time of this writing, but the participation of Maxim Reshetnikov, Russia’s Minister of Economic Development, and Igor Levitin, an adviser to President Vladimir Putin and Secretary of the State Council of the Russian Federation was available.

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