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Security Chief Patrushev Recounts Western Efforts To Destroy Russia

Nikolay Patrushev, the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, spoke on National Unity Day on Nov. 4, on the historical significance of protecting Russia’s sovereignty in the long-running conflict with the West. TASS had a summary/paraphrase of his key points, including:

“During the Time of Troubles [in the early 17th century], Russia was on the verge of losing its sovereignty, but its people `united, defended their own country and state,’ drove out invaders and traitors, reestablished authority, and embarked on a path of independent development….

“Europe has long wanted to destroy the Russian state…. Russia has always been a `bone in the West’s throat,’ obstructing its hegemonic goals while representing a powerful civilizational alternative….

“The eventful 1990s became the `new Time of Troubles,’ when the existence of the Russian state was once again threatened. In the 1990s, Western advisers flocked to Russia, attempting to create turmoil by `encouraging separatism, imposing debt bonds and onerous international obligations.’ The West was counting on creating turmoil and establishing external control over the country….

“In the early 2000s, Putin saw a multipolar world order as the solution to many international problems. His famous Munich speech was devoted to the idea that a unipolar model was not only unacceptable, but generally unattainable in today’s world….

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