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Supposed 'Hitman' Hired To Kill John Bolton Was FBI Informant

The CBS television news magazine “60 Minutes” ran a segment on Iranian assassins and spies around the world, which included a discussion of the supposed attempt by Iran to have former National Security Advisor John Bolton killed, following Bolton’s success in convincing President Donald Trump to kill Iranian General Qasem Soleimani on Jan. 3, 2020.

In August 2022, the Department of Justice had announced that the FBI had valiantly foiled a dastardly Iranian plot to assassinate the mustachioed maker of mischief.

And in the “60 Minutes” recounting of the story of Bolton’s near murder by a hitman contracted by Iran, they report the following: “Lucky for Bolton, the assassin was an FBI informant.”

Ken Silva, in a Nov. 15 article published by the Libertarian Institute, writes that the “DOJ charging papers show that the ‘plot’ was largely contrived, and that Bolton was never in actual danger.” The evidence in the FBI documentation for a link between Shahram Poursafi, who has been charged with hiring a killer to take out Bolton, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is tenuous.

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