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The Netanyahu Government Is Running Dirty Operations Against Brazil

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is personally interfering in the internal affairs of the Brazilian government with provocative and insulting behavior clearly related to the Lula da Silva government’s stance on the Israeli-Palestine war in Gaza. Speaking yesterday at the international conference on humanitarian aid to Gaza, organized by French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, Celso Amorim, Lula’s special foreign policy adviser, charged that Israel’s bombings of hospitals and killing civilians, especially children, in Gaza is “genocide.” Tensions between the two governments are at a high point, because 34 Brazilians who have been trapped inside Gaza since the outbreak of the war, still haven’t received Israel’s permission to leave, for unexplained reasons.

On Nov. 8, Justice Minister Flavio Dino announced that the Federal Police had arrested two individuals in São Paulo suspected of planning terrorist attacks. The two reported having traveled to Beirut to meet with Hezbollah members who were looking to recruit people willing “to kill or kidnap.” The FBI reportedly tipped off the Federal Police to the planned terrorist activities, but the Federal Police made no mention of Hezbollah in its public announcement on the arrests. The same day, however, Netanyahu publicly boasted that the Mossad had helped Brazil thwart “a terrorist attack… planned by the Hezbollah terrorist organization, directed and financed by Iran,” intended to kill Jews in Brazil and elsewhere in the region, RT reported.

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