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U.S. Cities Pass Resolutions in Favor of Gaza Ceasefire

A Seattle City Council meeting. Public Domain photo

On Tuesday night, Nov. 21, Seattle became the most populous U.S. city to pass a resolution demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, reports local press outlet “The Stranger.” The resolution calls for “a long-term ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine, the return of all hostages, and the delivery of humanitarian aid,” and includes denunciations of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

The city council of Atlanta, Georgia, passed a ceasefire resolution on Nov. 20, reports RoughDraft Atlanta. The resolution expresses the city’s support for a call from the Carter Center for a ceasefire, humanitarian corridors, and other measures. “[T]he Atlanta City Council also affirms that there is no military solution, and only a political one can lead to peace based on common humanity and human rights,” reads the resolution.

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