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U.S. and Egyptian Foreign Ministers Disagree on Permanent End to Gaza War

Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke by phone yesterday, but apparently were not in full agreement as to what should come in Gaza. Shoukry stressed the need to extend the current truce in Gaza into a full ceasefire and deliver sustainable aid to all areas of the war-ravaged strip, reported Al Ahram daily. Shoukry called for the implementation of the latest UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution which calls for an extended truce and humanitarian corridors in the Gaza Strip to contain the deteriorating and unprecedented conditions endured by Palestinians, according to a statement issued by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. Shoukry and Blinken agreed on the necessity of surmounting any obstacles to the fulfillment of the truce deal.

Shoukry also briefed Blinken on the tours made by the Arab-Islamic Ministerial Committee to UN Security Council member states to push for a permanent end to the war. He highlighted the crucial role that the UNSC’s permanent members must play in putting an end to Israel’s unprecedented violations of international law in its deliberate targeting of civilians. The Egyptian foreign minister also discussed the draft resolution proposed by the Arab and Islamic groups before the UNSC to ensure the safe delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

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