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Palestinians inspect the damage following an Israeli airstrike on the El-Remal aera in Gaza City on October 9, 2023. Date 10 October 2023, CC/Wafa (Q2915969)

Over 9,500 people have been killed in Gaza to date, of whom 3,900 are children, according to a report issued by the Gaza Health Ministry on Nov. 4. Over the last 24 hours, Netanyahu’s IDF bombed a school in Gaza, killing 20, after hitting an ambulance convoy departing Al Shifa hospital on its way to the Rafah crossing—killing 15 and wounding over 50. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, not known for his radical rhetoric, wrote that he was “horrified” by the attack, and that “the images of bodies strewn on the street outside the hospital are harrowing.” There are reports of additional strikes at the gates of the Al Nasr children’s hospital.

In Gaza, there are now some 1.4 million internally “displaced” people—meaning homeless, hungry, desperate and terrified human beings—out of a total population of 2.3 million. Words, commentary, and media “narratives” aside, Netanyahu and his London and Washington sponsors are doing everything in their power to drive all 2.3 million Palestinians down to the Sinai and across into Egypt—or into the sea.

Wasn’t this not supposed to happen again? What ever happened to “Never Again!"?

Yes, there are protests—but not yet enough to stop the carnage; not enough to force the creation of a new international security and development architecture to altogether replace the bankrupt system that is behind the wars and economic devastation.

Many thousands took to the streets of Paris today to demand a ceasefire, even though pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been declared illegal by French authorities. Similarly in Berlin, thousands marched, many wearing scarves with Palestinian colors—also banned by authorities. And in Washington, D.C., as many as 100,000 people rallied to demand a ceasefire and freedom for Palestine. A sizable contingent of LaRouche movement organizers participated, distributing the new TLO pamphlet “Peace Through Development for Palestine and Israel: The LaRouche Oasis Plan.”

University campuses are also awakening from their long political slumber. Students are protesting; classes are being interrupted by demands to discuss the urgent strategic agenda; sit-ins are occurring in the congressional offices of complicit legislators.

But it is not yet enough—not in numbers, nor in depth of understanding of the required solutions.

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche warned on Nov. 4 that the situation is getting hotter by the day, not only in Southwest Asia, but also in Ukraine and around the world. The bankrupt trans-Atlantic Establishment has no way out of its own systemic breakdown crisis.

“The situation is not stable, and in the coming days and weeks it will go one way or the other,” she stated. Partial solutions for this problem, or that problem, won’t work: the situation is too far gone—politically, militarily, and economically. Religious leaders of all denominations must join forces to organize for peace. Universities and think tanks in different countries should organize conferences to deliberate on the steps needed to create a new international security and development architecture, one worthy of the dignity of Man.

People are going to have to rise up to the level of solutions that the LaRouche movement has been proposing, the level of Cusa’s De Pace Fidei, the level of achieving global peace through global development—which is the only way it can actually be achieved.