The World Health Organization issued a statement yesterday with its account of Nov. 22 when a convoy it helped sponsor to evacuate medical staff and patients from Al-Shifa Hospital to the south of Gaza was stooped at an IDF checkpoint: “On 22 November, in cooperation with the Palestine Red Crescent Society, WHO participated in another joint-UN mission to transfer 151 patients, relatives and health workers accompanying them from Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza. The mission was undertaken following specific requests from health authorities and hospital officials in Gaza….
“During this mission, the team transferred 73 severely ill or injured patients, including 18 dialysis patients; 26 patients with serious spinal injuries; 8 patients with severe chronic conditions; two in need of critical care; and 19 patients in wheelchairs. The patients were transported in 14 ambulances supplied and staffed by the Palestine Red Crescent Society, and 2 buses, with 8 health workers and 70 family members accompanying them,” the statement said.