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A Sign of the Times: Liberia Changes Its Last UNGA Vote!

UN General Assembly. UN Photo Eskinder Debebe

Liberia was the only African country to vote against the UN General Assembly resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, which came in at 153 in favor against 10 opposed (including Liberia), with 23 abstentions, on Dec. 13. Now that resolution is opposed only by 9 nations. “The president of Liberia, George Weah, instructed Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah on [Dec. 17] Sunday to cancel the country’s vote, cast a week ago in the UN General Assembly against an immediate ceasefire in Gaza,” RT reported.

How the earlier vote came about, according to the Liberian President, was some sort of act of the devil himself. “The Liberian president spoke at a Sunday church service where he said the government’s position was rejected by a `wicked’ Liberian who worked at the Liberian Embassy in Washington,” RT reported. “The name of the embassy official who changed Monrovia’s vote was not mentioned.”

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