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The 6th Arab-Russian Forum, hosted by Morocco, is currently taking place Dec.19-20 under the theme: “The Challenge of Strengthening Russia’s Place in the Arab Region and in Africa.” Discussion in Marrakesh focuses on ways of strengthening Arab-Russian cooperation amid escalating tensions in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, which are affecting the global economy. The last meeting of the forum was in Moscow in 2019, but the expected meetings to follow could not be held because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Russian Foreign Ministry has described the forum as an “important mechanism of cooperation” between Russia and Arab nations.

In his addressing to the forum today, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated: “A collective approach to the task of strengthening peace and security in the region and ensuring its sustainable development is more important than ever in light of the complex and multifaceted nature of the emerging threats and challenges. This is the focus of the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum, which was established in 2009. Since then, it has become a vital mechanism for coordinating the positions of Russia and the Arab world on a broad range of issues of mutual interest.

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