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Blowback Continues Against the U.S. on UNSC Resolution Veto

A roundup of some leading items internationally shows that the global community is increasingly eschewing the U.S. for vetoing the Dec. 8 special UNSC resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

Amnesty International Secretary General Agnès Callamard excoriated the U.S.: “By vetoing this resolution, the U.S. has displayed a callous disregard for civilian suffering in the face of a staggering death toll, extensive destruction and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe happening in the occupied Gaza Strip.

“The U.S. has brazenly wielded and weaponized its veto to strongarm the UN Security Council, further undermining its credibility and ability to live up to its mandate to maintain international peace and security. There can be no justification for continuing to block meaningful action by the UN Security Council to stop massive civilian bloodshed. The use of the veto is morally indefensible and a dereliction of the U.S. duty to prevent atrocity crimes and uphold international law.

“On top of blocking the adoption of a ceasefire that would end mass humanitarian suffering in Gaza, aid the return of hostages, and calm tension multiplying in the region, the U.S. continues to transfer U.S.-made munitions to the government of Israel that contribute to the decimation of entire families.…”

In Türkiye, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan spoke after a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League, that had just met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “Our friends once again expressed that America is now alone on this issue, especially in the voting held at the United Nations today,” as reported by state broadcaster TRT on Dec. 8. He emphasized that the U.S. veto was a “complete disappointment,” as reported by Reuters. In a separate statement to Turkish media, Fidan added, “America is now alone on this issue [of the war on Gaza], especially in the voting held at the United Nations today … the American political system is now helpless on issues related to Israel.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke at a World Human Rights Day Event: “The Israeli administration, which has the unwavering support of Western countries, is committing murderous atrocities and massacres in Gaza that will make all humans blush.… A fair world is possible, but not with America, because America sides with Israel.”

Similar sharp responses have come from Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the United Arab Emirates, France, Iran, China, Russia, Oman, Malaysia and other countries, reported Al Jazeera.