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Dec. 8 EIR: ‘How Far Beyond the Mountains Thought Can Go’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 48 goes to subscribers Thursday, Dec. 7. On the cover is a photo of Pino Arlacchi in discussion with Ibn Sina Conference participants, including prominent Afghan businessman Fareed Ahmed Alokozay and Daud Azimi, co-founder and co-leader of the Ibn Sina Research and Development Center in Kabul, Afghanistan, Nov. 8, 2023.

The Editorial is “This Is a War On Children.”

Section I, “Urgent: Peace Through Development,” begins with an edited transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Live Dialogue from Nov. 29, which we have titled “Days of Decision—Build a Mass Movement for Peace Through Development.”

Then, a report by Philip Ulanowsky on the Nov. 29 Classical music concert in Hermosillo, Mexico performed by the Sonora Choruses for Peace: “Mexican Choruses Join in Defense of Humanity.”

Closing the Section is a reprint from the EIR European Strategic Alert of Nov. 30, titled “German Minister and Big Think-Tank Hype ‘Readiness for War’ with Russia.”

Section II, “National Construction in Afghanistan,” includes:

• An article by Pino Arlacchi, appearing in the Italian daily, Il Fatto Quotidiano, translated by and reprinted in EIR with his permission: “Kabul’s Policies vs. Corruption, Terror, and Internal Violence Are Paying Off.”

• An interview conducted in Kabul Nov. 8 by Jason Ross with two women from the group, “Stay In Afghanistan.” Their organization is dedicated to improving education in their country, focussing on the vocational education required by the workforce to expand infrastructure and industry, as well as business opportunities for women. It is titled “We Have Been Created To Do Something Beneficial for Each Other.”

• A Poem, Afghanistan, by Paul Gallagher.

• An article by Marcia Merry Baker and Karel Vereycken, discussing the conditionalities-for-recognition offered to Afghanistan by the U.S. and the UN. It is titled “Guterres Offers UN ‘Roadmap’ for Afghanistan ‘Normalization’; I.E.A says, Thanks, but No Thanks.”

Section III, “International,” has a report by Cynthia Rush on the situation in Argentina following the election victory of President-elect Javier Milei, the self-professed “anarcho-capitalist.”

The One Humanity solution to the Palestine-Israel war will be the subject of an International Conference Dec. 9–10, sponsored by the Central American and Caribbean Critical Thought (CPCCC) organization, and conducted on the Zoom platform. The Invitation is titled “If You Want To Stop the Genocide, Build a New International Security and Development Architecture.” More information about the conference, including the program and speakers, as well as how to register to participate, is available at

In Section IV, “History and Culture,” has Harley Schlanger’s “When a U.S. President Stopped a Mideast War: Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis of 1956.”