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FLASH: UN Reports 570,000 People Are Now ‘Starving’ in Gaza: Ceasefire Now!

The report issued today by the UN World Food Programme from its Rome headquarters on the “catastrophic” levels of starvation in Gaza is stunning beyond words:

• The entire population of Gaza—roughly 2.2 million people—are in crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity. Ninety percent of the people in Gaza regularly go without food for a full day.

• More than one in four households now face “extreme hunger;” that is, 26% of Gazans—576,600 people— have exhausted their food supplies and face catastrophic hunger (IPC Phase 5) and starvation.

The report, covering through Dec. 8, is the latest “Integrated Food Security Phase Classification” report, assembled by pooling information from multiple agencies, which is used to determine the severity and magnitude of hunger crises, according to internationally-recognized standards.

Some details:

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