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French Foreign Ministry Staffer Killed in Gaza, Foreign Minister Demands Immediate Truce

France has reported that one of their Foreign Affairs staff has been killed in a Gaza safe zone in Rafah. The Quai d’Orsay (as the foreign ministry is known) has condemned the strike and called for an investigation into its circumstances, which they claim took place in a residential building where civilians and families were sheltering. “France condemns this bombing of a residential building which caused the death of many other civilians. We demand that all light be shed by the Israeli authorities on the circumstances of this bombing, as quickly as possible,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Dec. 17.

The strike took place in the evening of Dec. 13, killing the employee and 10 others who were inside, according to Al Jazeera. The staffer had been working for the French government in Gaza since 2002.

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