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Gen. Mini Wrote That Israeli Expansion of Gaza Conflict Is ‘Close to Certainty’

Former NATO commander (KFOR) in Kosovo, Italian Gen. Fabio Mini (ret.), warned against an Israeli expansion of the conflict against Gaza and possible Israeli use of nuclear weapons.

“The U.S., Israel and their clients and friends have chosen to consider Hamas a terrorist organization and the people of Gaza guilty in toto,” Mini wrote in an article for Il Fatto Quotidiano. “Thus the operation by the so-called Israel Defense Forces is retaliatory, indiscriminate, disproportionate punishment against an entire population, a deliberate massacre, a persistent violation of international law and a crime against humanity the likes of which have not been seen in decades. The equivalent retaliation against a U.S.-led terrorist attack against al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was resolved by unconditional U.S. withdrawal after two decades of military occupation. Al-Qaeda and its successors are still present in half the world as ideology and militancy. In this case, it is Israel that knows no bounds, and it is evident that President Biden’s verbal cautions in supporting Netanyahu, which have been punctually belied by the facts and the feeding of Israeli forces, is not about respect for law or innocent victims, but about the timing of the execution of the massacre. It needs to be completed before the affair directly interferes with the U.S. election campaign that will culminate next summer before the elections the following November. About six months, then. However, the goal that Israel has set for itself with the complete elimination of Hamas and the destruction of Gaza’s ‘whatever it takes’ facilities cannot be achieved in the time frame required by the current U.S. Presidency. Hamas will be eliminated from Gaza, but already the fighters include Palestinians and non-Palestinians who do not belong to Hamas. At this rate in six months Islamic mobilization could be substantial, casualties would be 50,000 including 30,000 women and children.”

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