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The House voted 310-118 yesterday to pass the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act, clearing it for Biden’s signature. House GOP conservatives opposed the bill after cultural warfare provisions were removed during negotiations with the Senate. They also opposed the attachment of a provision to extend the Section 702 surveillance powers for the FBI for another four months, as apparently did some Democrats. “I’ll be the first to admit I’m disappointed we didn’t get all the priorities we wanted,” House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers (R-AL) said during floor debate, reported Politico. “But you know what? The Senate is pretty disappointed they didn’t get the priorities they wanted either.”

“It takes compromise to move legislation in a divided government, and this bill is a good compromise,” he said. “It’s laser-focused on deterring our adversaries, especially China.”

As for the bill itself, it authorizes $886 billion for national security, including $32.5 billion for the Department of Energy nuclear weapons activities and $11.5 billion for other national security programs. The balance goes to the Pentagon.

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