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The humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to devolve by the hour. Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general of UNRWA, the relief agency for Palestinian refugees, who accompanied the UN Security Council envoys on their visit to Rafah, briefed the envoys upon their arrival in Egypt. He described the situation as an “implosion of civil order,” where Gazans who had not eaten for days looted aid distribution centers and stopped trucks on roads as they tried to secure supplies for their families. “There is not enough assistance,” Lazzarini said. “Hunger is prevailing in Gaza…. Most of the people are just sleeping on the concrete.”

Al Jazeera reported on the unfolding situation at north Gaza’s Kamal Adwan Hospital. “We are outraged by what’s going on,” said Leo Cans, Médecins Sans Frontières head of mission for Palestine. “It’s the same scenario as Al-Shifa Hospital repeating in other hospitals again and again.”

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