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Israeli Visa Restrictions on UN Officials for Reporting on Gaza's Crisis

Israeli government senior spokesman Eylon Levy yesterday slammed UN officials for “deflecting blame onto Israel” and “covering up for Hamas” throughout the latest conflict in Gaza. Hence, the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that visa requests by UN employees will no longer be granted automatically, and will instead be considered on a case-by-case basis. Israel will stop working with those who cooperate with the Hamas terror regime’s propaganda machine, and we urge our allies to do the same and stand up for basic integrity in the global institutions that should serve, and not sabotage, international security.”

A day earlier, on Dec. 25, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen actually accused the UN of the infamous “blood libel” allegation—a reference to nasty rumors concocted to incite riots and pogroms against Jews, by alleging that Jews would kill Christian children to use their blood in making matzoh, or some such bizarre story. Cohen stated that the UN’s conduct since Oct. 7 was “a disgrace to the organization and the international community,” claiming it had “legitimized war crimes” by Hamas and had published “unsubstantiated blood libels” against Israel.

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