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Russian Foreign Minister made this point over the weekend while addressing the 21st Doha Forum in Qatar. He started off by mentioning that “the multipolar world which is emerging after 500 years of domination of what we call the ‘collective West.’” The U.S. attempted to use globalization as a means to continue this kind of domination by other means than military, he said.

That order is now collapsing, Lavrov went on, as “new centers of economic growth, of financial power, and of political influence” are emerging. However, “in order to suppress this kind of development, [or] any dissent, our Western colleagues decided to sacrifice all the principles of globalization, which they have been selling to everybody for decades and decades … for the sake of rules-based world order.”

Lavrov went on to say that the BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN, African Union, and other organizations are becoming “the bricks of the new polycentric world.”

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