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Lula Invites Putin to 2024 G20 Summit, Increases Trade with Russia

Last week, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva told the press that he had invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend the 2024 G20 summit, which Brazil will be hosting as the chairman year. In light of the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest order against Putin, Lula stated: “Whether Putin comes or not is up to him, [but] he’ll be invited. There is a case against him, he must assess the consequences. Since Brazil is a signatory [to the Rome Statute of the ICC], Brazil is responsible.” The ICC is demanding Putin’s arrest for thoroughly fabricated charges of kidnapping children in Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated yesterday that no decision has been made yet about Putin’s attendance. “We are not there yet. In any case, Russia continues its activities on the platform.”

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