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Emmanuel Macron wants Mario Draghi to become the next President of the European Commission. According to diplomatic sources in Brussels quoted by the Italian daily La Repubblica, Macron wants to repeat the same coup as in 2018, when he worked out a secret deal with Germany to install Ursula von der Leyen in her post at the European Commission. According to these sources, Macron has already consulted Olaf Scholz.

EIR has already warned that Draghi’s candidacy was being created. Ursula von der Leyen had appointed Draghi to lead a commission in charge of investigating Chinese unfair competition on e-cars, and more recently, Draghi gave a major speech in favor of accelerating the construction of a European superstate in order to save the euro.

If Macron’s coup is successful, someone possibly more dangerous than von der Leyen will succeed her. Remember that it was Draghi who had convinced U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to steal Russian central bank dollar reserves.

However, the chapter hasn’t yet been written. Recall that five years ago, the European Parliament felt bypassed by the decision to insert von der Leyen as EU Commission president, given that German Christian Democrat Manfred Weber was seen as a more legitimate candidate, having won the elections. The coup succeeded because the M5S faction double-crossed its allies and voted for von der Leyen, thus providing the necessary margin for a majority. A second coup might not be successful. The power of the European Parliament is already farcical, since its legislative power is now in the hands of the Commission, and can essentially only ratify what the Commission proposes. Elected members of the next Parliament might decide not to swallow another humiliation.