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Netanyahu-Danon’s ‘Voluntary Migration’ Is Major Excuse for Gaza Bombardment

A quick look at the Netanyahu-Danon duo pushing this “voluntary migration” plan, discloses that it is a real reason for the bombardment, and the intent all along.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s father, Benzion Netanyahu, was a follower of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who supported Italian Fascism. In the period 1920-50, there were different currents in Zionism. The Revisionist Zionists headed by Jabotinsky, believed that Jews should basically occupy all of River of Jordan’s West Bank, giving the excuse that God promised it to them. Benzion Netanyahu was co-editor of the Revisionist Zionist Betar monthly, and then the editor of its newspaper Ha-Yarden. In 1940, Benzion Netanyahu moved to New York to become private secretary to his idol Jabotinsky.

Benjamin Netanyahu followed in his father’s goosesteps.

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