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New Tusk Government Will Try To Ease Relationship with EU and with Ukraine

While Poland has played its own sinister role in using the “Ukraine crisis” for its own advantages, becoming a major possessor of military hardware in the process, the tensions with its Ukrainian neighbors, given the massive flow of Ukrainian into Poland and influx of cheap grain which has affected the livelihoods of Polish farmers, it appears that Prime Minister Donald Tusk is trying to improve that relationship as well as its strained relationship with the EU. During his time out of office in Poland, Tusk served as the president of the European Council.

One of the bones of contention between the two countries is the fact that Ukrainian fascist Stepan Bandera and his OUN had conducted a massacre of Polish citizens during the war. The rise of the Banderites into the government of Ukraine has not been seen with blind eyes by most Poles, who still expect an apology from Ukraine for the massacre. Tusk, however, has appointed a new Minister of Science, who has now placed international cooperation into the hands of a Banderite, Andrzej Sheptytsky, of Ukrainian origin and an activist in the Union of Ukrainians in Poland.

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