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Peace Protest in Biden’s Hometown Dec. 3, Demands U.S. Stop Arming Israel

July rally in Scranton. EIRNS/Michelle Erin

There will be a demonstration in President Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Dec. 3 at noon, taking place near the General Dynamics ammunition plant. The demo is called by a coalition of groups protesting U.S. arming of Israel, and other warfare. The invitation states in part:

The protests will center around a General Dynamics facility which the coalition states “makes 155mm shells which have been used by Israeli artillery to bomb Gaza where over 15,000 people have been killed with 75% being children and women. The geographic area of Gaza is just one-third the size of Lackawanna County [where Scranton is located]. Israel has dropped 25,000 tons of explosives on tiny Gaza—equal to the explosive force of two nuclear bombs. ... The Biden administration ordered 57,000 155mm shells to be delivered to Israel.”

The groups include Northeast Pennsylvania for Palestine, Veterans for Peace and Democratic Socialists of America. The coalition states: “Genocide Joe is attempting to remove all restrictions currently in place on Israel’s access to U.S. stockpiles in the region as a way of sidestepping Congressional approval. The killing must stop.”

The coalition cites the “Leahy Law that prohibits sending weapons to known human rights violators” and vows to block the main gate of General Dynamics facility.

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