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Russia Warns against $300 Billion Heist for ‘Kiev’s War Effort’

The New York Times published an article on Dec. 21 about the renewed plans by the bankrupt trans-Atlantic military-industrial-financial complex (MIFC), and their political lackeys, to steal Russian assets to “help Kiev’s war effort.” In February 2022, the U.S. and allies froze $300 billion in Russian assets as part of the Western financial warfare against over its special operation in Ukraine, and the New York Times’ unnamed American and European sources are saying that the Biden administration “is quietly signaling new support” for taking the assets. The article says that the United States and Europe are eyeing these Russian assets to aid Ukraine as funding dries up with the lack of Congressional support and wavering among certain nations in the EU to support Ukraine.

Moscow has repeatedly slammed the plans for the $300 billion heist, and now says that the scheme could result in a “near-zero” freeze in relations. According to TASS, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov had sharp words over plans for the theft, saying to reporters on Dec. 22: “Those who are trying to initiate this, and those who will implement it, must understand that Russia will never leave those who did this alone. And it will constantly exercise its right to a legal battle, internationally, nationally or otherwise. And this, of course, will have—both Europeans and Americans understand this very well—it will have legal consequences for those who initiated and implemented it.”

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