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Sonora, Mexico’s Peace Choral Concert Brings Message of Peace

“The Schiller Institute, Cathedral Chorus, University of Sonora Chorus and Metropolitan Chorus joined together today to hold the Sonora Chorus for Peace. With it, they call on the world’s political and religious leaders to achieve world peace and eradicate world hunger,” the Hermosillo issue of the state’s leading daily, El Imparcial, reported last night in a note on the morning’s concert. That brief but to-the-point text accompanies three large photos of the Chorus for Peace and its concert. Lest you miss the message, El Imparcial headlined the story, “Sonora Choir for Peace: Call for Peace and the Eradication of World Hunger,” and under it, the kicker explains: “The purpose of this chorus is to appeal to political and religious leaders from around the world.” (The precise names of the choruses which participated are the Cathedral’s Ascension Choir, the University of Sonora’s Chamber Chorus and the Adventist Metropolitan Chorus.)

Fifty-two singers performed in the Peace Chorus, and more than 200 people listened from their seats in the immediate area at the foot of the steps to the University of Sonora’s most elegant building, where the chorus sang. Family members of a director of one of the choirs estimated that another 50 or so were listening, because there were “many families” with little children or babies who were listening at a greater distance so that their children would not disturb the concert.

In the middle of the concert, the Schiller Institute’s Hugo López Ochoa (who organized this peace chorus project) read Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s special message to the concert. López Ochoa also informed people that the concert was being broadcast internationally by Zoom—which brought pleased smiles to the faces of many of the singers.

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