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South Africa Foreign Minister Argues, Gaza Is ‘Far Worse’ Than Our Apartheid; Immediate Ceasefire Now!

The South African Foreign Ministry called again for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Dec. 4. “The Israeli government has indicated that it intends to extend its attack on the people of Gaza. The statements from Israeli leaders appear impervious to the global calls for an immediate end to the killing of Palestinian civilians.”

“South Africa calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the resumption of talks that will end the violence arising from the continued belligerent occupation and lay the basis for a just and lasting solution,” the ministry concluded its statement. That call was included in the ministry’s statement announcing that, finally, 19 South African citizens in Gaza who had been approved for evacuation on Nov. 11, had been allowed to cross into Egypt and were on their way home.

Interviewed by CNN today, Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor charged that what is underway in Palestine today is “to a great degree, far worse than what we experienced under apartheid…. It is horrific. And it is occurring while the world is watching, seemingly paralyzed, as “a slaughter is underway.” Not even a peace-securing force has been provided to protect the Palestinians. This lack is “extremely shocking,” in comparison to the international support which aided the fight for freedom from apartheid in South Africa, she exclaimed.

Usefully, CNN dramatically headlined its four-and-a-half minute clip of the interview, “South African Minister: What We’re Seeing in Gaza is `Far Worse Than What We Experience under Apartheid.’”