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The U.S. Turning Scandinavia nto an Armed Camp

The U.S. is turning Scandinavia into an armed camp and there are collaborators in the region pushing the idea that a war with Russia is inevitable within the next 12 to 18 months. One of the leading proponents of Finland’s membership in NATO is one Charly Salonius-Pasternak, a security expert at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. In an interview with YLE broadcaster on Dec. 11, Salonius-Pasternak argued that Finland must be ready for war against Russia by 2025. He said: “Finland must be prepared for the war [in Ukraine] to end relatively quickly. Russia’s defenses are now bigger than they were at the beginning of 2022 and Putin sees that he has been successful in this, while Trump may come to power—and—Europe is in a bit of a peace mode. Because of this … I would say that every reservist in Finland should seriously consider, and promise themselves, to be in the best shape of their lives physically and mentally at the beginning of 2025.”

Not long after Salonius-Pasternak’s Dec. 11 argument, the Defense Committee of the Swedish parliament presented a report on Dec. 19 on strengthening Sweden’s civil defense. Hans Wallmark, Chairman of the Defense Committee, told the daily Svenska Dagbladet: “Everyone must realize that we must start planning for increased preparedness and ultimately war and armed conflict.” And again: “We say that we need to have the highest level of preparedness for war.”

In a Dec. 18 editorial on the same topic, Svenska Dagbladet quotes Patrik Oksanen of the extreme Atlanticist organization “Free World” as saying that “in the absolute worst case, it could mean that in 12-18 months’ time we are forced into a war in the Baltic Sea Region.”

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