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Ukraine's Burisma Cut Hunter Biden’s Pay in Half When Joe Biden Left Office

The latest criminal indictment of Hunter Biden, for a scheme to avoid at least $1.4 million in taxes, includes the allegation that, a few weeks after Joe Biden left office as Vice President in January 2017, Ukraine’s Burisma company cut Hunter Biden’s pay in half. The pay for Hunter’s no-show job had been $1 million/year, but from March 2017 to April 2019, when he resigned, he evidently had to make do with $500,000/year.

Otherwise, the indictment filed on Dec. 7 for failing to pay taxes and filing a false tax return, alleges that he had plenty of funds to pay his taxes. It lists his expenses from 2016 to 2019 as including nearly $1.7 million in ATM withdrawals, $189,000 for “adult entertainment,” $683,000 in payments to various women, nearly $400,000 for clothing and accessories and $72,000 for drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

The ATM withdrawals by themselves would have been more than enough to cover his tax bill.