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Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers submitted the new military draft law to the Verkhovna Rada late on Dec. 25, as reported by the Kyiv Times yesterday. They write that the new law, if approved, is “expected to take effect within a month.” Verkhovna Rada deputy Maryana Bezuglaya, deputy chairperson on the national security, defense and intelligence committee, said that the draft will apply to both men and women. (A week ago, President Zelenskyy had said that he was against drafting women, but his Servant of the People party controls the Rada.) Verkhovna Rada members have been encouraged not to discuss the legislation publicly.

Some of the major components follow:

Ukrainians outside of the country are required to register, which now will be available electronically; conscription age is lowered from 27 to 25; everyone 18-24 is required to go through a 3-month basic military training; there are fewer exemptions for the disabled; and those between 18 and 60 must carry a valid military registration document, which must be presented to a police officer or Territorial Recruitment Center (TRC) representative when requested. They will be photographed on the spot to check if they are in the TRC system. No visas to leave the country are permitted for men 18 to 60 without a valid military document. The unregistered have prohibitions on property transactions, restrictions on getting a driver’s license and on driving; limitations on use and disposal of their funds and valuables; are ineligible for credit or loan agreements; and are deprived of state benefits and services.

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