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U.K.’s Cameron and Germany’s Baerbock ‘Sustainable Ceasefire’ Condones Gaza Genocide

As a further indication of the growing global opposition to Israel’s unfettered war in Gaza, the U.K. and German foreign ministers released an op-ed Saturday titled “David Cameron: Why the U.K. and Germany Back a Sustainable Ceasefire” in the Sunday Times and Welt am Sonntag. Foreign Ministers David Cameron and Annalena Baerbock call for a “sustainable ceasefire” in Gaza, writing, “We must do all we can to pave the way to a sustainable ceasefire, leading to a sustainable peace. The sooner it comes, the better—the need is urgent.”

While it may seem nice at a glance, in reality it is nothing more than a clever word trick to give a green light to the continued genocide against the Palestinians. After saying that “only extremists like Hamas want us stuck in an endless cycle of violence,” they write that: “our goal cannot simply be an end to fighting today. It must be peace lasting for days, years, generations. We therefore support a ceasefire, but only if it is sustainable.”

The two evil pair say that they understand the “heartfelt calls” for a ceasefire, but: “We do not believe that calling right now for a general and immediate ceasefire, hoping it somehow becomes permanent, is the way forward…. An unsustainable ceasefire, quickly collapsing into further violence, would only make it harder to build the confidence needed for peace.” The sustainability, they claim, can only begin after a total defeat of Hamas. In other words, war is peace.

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