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U.S. Tells Israel To ‘Be Nice’ to Palestinians but Still Supports the Israeli War on Gaza

The White House continues to be two-faced about Israel’s genocide in Gaza. “I want them to be focused on how to save civilian lives, not stop going after Hamas, but to be more careful,” Biden said yesterday, reported the Jerusalem Post.

According to a White House readout posted late yesterday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi and war cabinet member Benny Gantz in Tel Aviv yesterday “to discuss the ongoing conflict in Gaza and our shared objective of defeating Hamas, while minimizing harm to civilians and ensuring the increased and sustained flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza.”

Sullivan “was briefed in detail on the State of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, including its objectives, phasing, and setting conditions for shifts over time from high intensity clearing operations to lower intensity surgical operations against Hamas remnants,” the readout reports. “Mr. Sullivan confirmed U.S. support for Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens from Hamas....” He “described U.S. efforts in coordination with allies and partners to deter any attempt to expand the conflict regionally, including in the Red Sea, and expressed President Biden’s commitment to restoring calm along the Blue Line through a combination of deterrence and diplomacy.” The Blue Line is the demarcation line between Israel and Lebanon drawn by the UN in 2000 when Israeli forces withdrew from Lebanon.