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Danish Doctors Appeal in Video for Gaza Ceasefire Now!

COPENHAGEN, Dec. 7, 2023 (EIRNS)—A very powerful four-minute video was released on Dec. 6, in which seven Danish doctors appeal to the government in Copenhagen to argue for a ceasefire in Gaza to stop the killing; to stop bombing hospitals; to stop the violations of international law, and to stop the genocide. They describe the horrendous conditions for the Palestinian population and the hospitals. The video ends by emphasizing that Gaza needs Denmark, and calls for a permanent ceasefire now.

The Schiller Institute in Denmark made the video available on YouTube yesterday in Danish, and today posted a version with English subtitles. An English transcript will be forthcoming.

The video was made in connection with the first debate concerning a citizens’ petition, which garnered more than the required 50,000 signatures, to be held in the Danish parliament today, demanding for the government to seek a ceasefire, allow the displaced Palestinians to return home, pressure for investigations of war crimes committed in Gaza, for increased foreign aid to Palestinians, and for the EU to use all means to achieve a political solution, including ending the illegal Jewish settlements and allowing for Palestinian elections.