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Washington Post Finally Reports Decimation of Gazan Health System

The Washington Post breached its self-imposed two-month silence on the Gaza health situation, with an article Dec. 17, entitled, “Gaza, Smashed by Israeli Strikes, Sees New Threat: Disease.”

The Post interviews 42-year-old thyroid cancer victim Abu Taima, the mother of six children, and sheltering in Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis. Taima’s 2 year-old daughter is suffering diarrhea, vomits, sneezes, and is “shaking from the cold and lack of food,” she told the Post. The child “asks me for food all the time, but I am unable to provide, which forces me to give her anything, even if it’s contaminated.” Taima avers, “we are not alive. We are dead and have living skeletons.”

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