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WHO Director Tedros Describes ‘Horrible States of Hunger’ in Gaza Require Ceasefire

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reported yesterday on the escalating disaster in Gaza: “Rising desperation due to acute hunger witnessed during joint mission by @WHO, @UNOCHA, @UNICEF, @WCKitchen to hospitals in north #Gaza; partners demand immediate scale-up of food and water to ensure population health and stability. On December 23, WHO and partners visited, and delivered supplies to Al-Shifa Hospital, where “relentless hostilities and massive numbers of wounded people have brought its capacities to its knees. Now, it can only deliver the most basic of first aid. The supply of 19,200 liters of generator fuel delivered Saturday will help revive vital services. However, more will be needed. The hospital’s oxygen plant was destroyed during the hostilities.

“Al-Shifa is also providing refuge to 50,000 displaced people, according to hospital authorities. Indeed, colleagues saw its surgery wing and other wards overflowing with Gazans seeking safety and shelter. People there are suffering from hunger, and the risk of famine is real, as it is across Gaza.

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