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China’s President Xi Insists Beijing and Brussels Can Cooperate To Benefit the World

“China and the EU bear responsibility for reinforcement of stability in the world. We must provide a greater impetus to the development, to lead the global governance, to provide it with support,” Xi Jinping said during the meeting with European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Beijing yesterday.

Von der Leyen, on the other hand, traveled to Beijing with ultimatums for China, at the center of which were complaints about unfair competition and warnings not to export dual-use goods to Russia and circumvent Western sanctions against the Russians. Chinese President Xi Jinping was also not at a loss for clear words. He warned the European Union against viewing China as a rival and continuing a confrontational course. Instead, the two trading blocs should be partners for “mutually beneficial mutually beneficial cooperation.”

Xi Jinping stressed “Amid the increasingly turbulent international situation, the China-EU relationship has strategic significance and implications for global peace, stability and prosperity. It is incumbent on both sides to provide greater stability for the world and stronger impetus for development,” according to the Foreign Ministry “China and the EU are two major forces advancing multipolarity, two major markets in support of globalization, and two major civilizations championing diversity,” he told his guests. Xi’s positive perspective of the development of relations probably has to do with the certainty that after the June European Parliament elections, confrontationist von der Leyen will no longer head the EU Commission.

But beyond the exchange of views, the summit did not produce any concrete results: Neither on trade issues nor on the Europeans’ call for China to make pressure on Russia to promote a peace solution in Ukraine—which the EU insanely sees in Zelenskyy’s position.