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Survey Finds 84% of German Entrepreneurs Open to New Silk Road

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative/New Silk Road, a survey for the Chinese Embassy in Berlin found German companies seeing great economic potential. The Embassy press release stated:

“German companies are already benefiting from the New Silk Road or are planning to become further involved in projects in the future. In recent years, the BRI has developed into an important growth engine for the global economy and also offers German companies numerous opportunities to participate.

“German companies attach particular importance to new logistics centers (42%). An efficient logistics infrastructure along the New Silk Road creates sustainable transport routes and helps companies to optimize their own supply chains. Equally important are faster freight train connections, which were named as relevant by 41%. The associated acceleration of goods transportation promises considerable efficiency gains. In addition, 40% of German companies see the initiative as an opportunity to open up new sales markets. Access to emerging markets along the route makes it easier to strengthen international presence.... 84% of the entrepreneurs surveyed in Germany are open to the New Silk Road.”

The study, “The Importance of the New Silk Road for the German Economy,” was conducted by the market and opinion research institute Bilendi & Respondi in mid-December 2023 on behalf of the Chinese embassy. A representative sample of 205 business decision-makers in Germany was surveyed.