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Argentina's Jan. 24 General Strike and March Promises To Be ‘Huge’

Two days before the Jan. 24 march to Congress and general strike, called by the leadership of Argentina’s Peronist CGT and CTA trade union federations, it’s clear this is shaping up to be a huge nationwide event to demand the overturning of madman President Javier Milei’s fascist economic policies. The targets are Milei’s “urgency and necessity” decree (DNU) and related Omnibus Bills, which together completely deregulate the economy, impose savage austerity and eliminate all social protections and labor/human rights in the name of “freedom.”

Popular Buenos Aires Gov. Axel Kicillof, a hard-core Peronist who is playing a key leadership role, joined with CTA/CGT leaders, Peronist governors and legislators to organize over several days to ensure this is a peaceful and disciplined event. The single march route is very clearly defined. The Milei government is hysterically intimidating workers. Vicious Security Minister Patricia Bullrich has ordered a major police deployment and will look for any opportunity to provoke violence should anyone disobey her orders to keep the streets clear—an impossibility given the size of the march. She has already declared that the government’s response to the strike is a matter of “life and death” bellowing “we must have order!”

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