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Fatah’s Barghouti Ready for ‘Historic’ Reconciliation Between Palestinians and Israelis

In a statement congratulating Peace Now on its 30th anniversary, Palestinian Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, serving five life sentences in Israeli prison, committed himself to an “historic reconciliation” in the context of a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine. He declared: “I say to you that I am prepared, and like me, the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people are for historic reconciliation that is based on … two states living alongside one another in security and peace, and which will give our sons and your sons a life without the threat of war or bloodshed.”

“It’s a positive sign,” Peace Now Secretary-General Yariv Oppenheimer told the Jewish Chronicle weekly. “It’s another proof that Fatah is Israel’s best partner for peace.”

Since Barghouti is widely accepted amongst Palestinians, Israel has its best chance at peace and security should it decide to release Barghouti from prison.