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Brazilian Foreign Ministry Reminds Israel, Promoting Forced Emigration Violates International Law

Brazil’s Foreign Ministry, known as Itamaraty, issued a statement in the morning of Jan. 8 calling out the promotion by Israeli officials of Palestinian emigration out of and Israeli settlers into Gaza as a violation of international law and damaging to any peaceful solution. The statement reads:

“The Brazilian government has learned with concern of recent statements by Israeli government officials who wish to promote the emigration of the Palestinian population from the Gaza Strip to other countries, as well as the re-establishment of Israeli settlements in that territory.

“By proposing measures that constitute violations of international law, statements of this gravity deepen tensions and damage the prospects of achieving peace in the region.

“Brazil reiterates its defense of the two-state solution, with an economically viable Palestinian state living side by side with Israel, in peace and security, within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders.”