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China Daily Editorial Says U.S. ‘Has Enabled Israel To Upgrade Its Offensive in Gaza’

A prominent editorial in the Jan. 14 edition of the semi-official China Daily, spoke plainly about the U.S. government’s protestations that it is doing everything possible to get the Netanyahu government in Israel to show restraint. It argued that, in fact, the “U.S. continues to fan flames in the Middle East,” calling the bombing of Houthi targets in Yemen “irresponsible and unwise.” Instead, “Washington should rein in the bloodlust of Tel Aviv if it wants to stop the attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

“The fact that it hasn’t already done so—and that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken just wrapped up his fourth visit to the Middle East last week since the Gaza conflict broke out without once calling for a ceasefire—suggests that Washington intends to take advantage of the Gaza conflict to create turmoil in the region once again. Just as Tel Aviv seems to be hell-bent on using the Hamas’s attacks on Oct 7, which resulted in about 1,200 deaths and more than 200 people being taken hostage, to justify it doing something that it has been wanting to do for a long time….

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