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Confrontation Between Farmers and Governments Escalates

It is reported that the proposed 2024 budget financing law with the unacceptable hits on agriculture will be acted upon in the German Bundestag the last week of January, next week; and then the Bundesrat, (upper house) will take it up Feb. 2. Since the German government coalition stubbornly insists on carrying through their anti-farmers measures, German farmers continue their mobilization nationwide.

A few days ago, as the annual Green Week started (a standing event in Berlin promoting rural green life and food products), President Joachim Rukwied of the German Farmers Union (Deutscher Bauernverband, DBV) said that farmer protests would continue until the government got serious on talks and farmer demands. He had named Jan. 18 as the deadline for that, which came and went with no serious move by the government.

To start with, a major protest action is planned in Berlin on Friday, Jan. 26, with tractors from the state of Brandenburg converging on the capital, DBV head Rukwied announced. A Munich protest for Sunday, Jan. 28 was announced by Bavarian farm leader Bernhard Perschl last on Jan. 20.

In Kassel today, the independent LsV farmers’ association staged rallies and protests. They are planning during morning commuting hours, each morning on Jan. 25, 26, and 27, at 5-9 a.m., for disruptions on four access roads to Kassel.

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