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Diane Sare Addresses New York City Forum on Voter Fraud

Diane Sare addressing voter fraud panel. Credit: Sare for Senate 2024

Diane Sare was invited as a featured speaker on a panel on voter fraud sponsored by the New York Young Republicans Black Caucus and New York Citizens Audit. The deep respect and admiration for Sare, who is running for U.S. Senate from New York and her independent campaign, was palpable by all present which included candidates and former candidates for Congress, City Council, and state Senate, as well as other community activists. Indicative was the moderator’s introduction of Sare, describing her as a “powerhouse … a pitbull with lipstick.”

Sare prefaced her in-depth description of the blatant electoral fraud suffered by the Sare for Senate 2022 campaign against Chuck Schumer, by asserting that her authority and ability to maintain the fight derives from her 35-year association with Lyndon LaRouche. Sare referenced LaRouche’s unique exposé of the “dead voters” fraud in the 1976 Presidential campaign that resulted in the election of Jimmy Carter.

Perhaps most important was Sare’s explanation of why the oligarchy so blatantly and publicly commits such crimes and then “tells a lie about it that everyone knows is a lie.” Referencing the LaRouche movement’s earlier work on Leo Strauss and the neo-cons, Sare described that it was a conscious method by which a dictatorship attempts to make a subjugated population feel powerless to fight back. But, “because of my work with LaRouche over all these years I knew what I was in for and therefore tried to prepare everyone as best I could,” the enemy method “essentially failed to demoralize my volunteers,” she said, as demonstrated by those who are still in the fight with her present, growing 2024 campaign.

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