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European Elections Poll Shows Populists Up, Liberals Down for Euro Parliament Elections

The latest poll by Europe Elects, published Dec. 30, 2023 says that so-called populists and, in general, opposition parties are on the rise, while liberals are losing support in Europe. The poll concerns voters’ intentions for the coming elections of the European Parliament this June, and it sees a growth of the Identity and Democracy (ID) faction (Lega, AfD, RN and other so-called populists) and a loss for the Liberal (Renew Europe) faction. The largest faction is the European Popular Party and second largest are still the Socialists (S&D). Despite the RE losses, the current “Ursula Majority” (EPP, S&D, RE, Greens and LEFT) still has a comfortable advantage.

However, with Identity and Democracy already the third largest faction, and probably growing further, the EPP could be tempted to drop ideological prejudices and form an alliance with the ID and the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), thus having enough numbers for a majority in the European Parliament.

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