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Wang Yi Exchanges New Year’s Greetings with Sergey Lavrov

Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi spoke with Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov by phone on Jan. 10 to exchange New Year’s greetings. Wang Yi urged that the two countries take their relationship to a higher level during the coming year. He said that the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation in the new era between them had been operating in high gear during the past year. Now, with the commencement of the China-Russia Years of Culture beginning, the two sides should hold celebration activities, intensify high-level exchanges, promote in-depth development of bilateral practical cooperation, advance people-to-people exchanges in various fields,and further consolidate the public support and social foundations for bilateral relations.

Wang referred to the Dec. 27-28 Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Relations, saying that China had made strategic plans for the next steps, particularly elucidating the profound connotations of the scientific system of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and advocated an equal and orderly multipolar world, as well as an inclusive economic globalization that benefits all.

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