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First Meeting of Guyana-Venezuela Joint Commission Announced

The Brazilian Foreign Ministry announced today that the Foreign Ministers of Guyana and Venezuela, and their designated experts, will meet in Brasilia on Jan. 25, at Itamaraty Palace (the seat of the Foreign Ministry) to discuss ways to resolve their border conflict. This will be the first meeting of Joint Commission since it was established through the Argyle Declaration for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela, adopted last Dec. 14, 2023 in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

As agreed on in that declaration, the governments of Brazil, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (currently president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States—CELAC) and Dominica (currently president of the Caribbean Community—CARICOM), will accompany the dialogue between the two nations, serving as the main interlocutors in the process. Representatives of the CARICOM Secretary General and the United Nations Secretary General will also attend as observers.

Itamaraty’s release announcing the meeting noted that “the Brazilian government appreciates Guyana’s and Venezuela’s commitment to the ongoing process of dialogue, facilitated by regional actors and mechanisms. It also highlights the spirit of integration that drives the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean with a view to consolidating the region as a zone of peace, cooperation and solidarity.”